Memorial Presbyterian Church

Day 10 | Rejoice

During this Lenten Season, let us continue to rejoice, pray and give thanks for we have been on an arduous journey and with God’s help, most of us survived and thrived.

Day 9 | Winning The Prize

Paul’s language in this passage brings to mind the image of a race and of a competitor waiting for the starting gun to go off so they can go for the prize.

Day 8 | Journey Within Ourselves

During the season of Lent, we should be partaking in acts of praying, fasting and giving. The time of Lent is used as a time of renewal…

Day 7 | Are You Listening?

The only one we must say yes to is God.  And we won’t go wrong when we’re saying yes to God.  Loving yourself is an important prerequisite to loving others.

Day 6 | Secret Place

The only one we must say yes to is God.  And we won’t go wrong when we’re saying yes to God.  Loving yourself is an important prerequisite…

Day 5 | Saying No

Thank you, God, for waking me up today with a sound mind giving you praise. I pray that I am being guided by the Holy Spirit to make good choices in every yes or no situation. I pray my decisions are acceptable in your sight. In Jesus’ name Amen

Day 4 | Persecution

Blessed to be persecuted. Blessed am I when others revile me and persecute me and utter all kinds of evil against me falsely on God’s account.

Day 3 | It’s Not About Me!

Following Jesus is totally voluntary. He doesn’t coerce us nor does He bribe us with a perfect life free of all suffering.

Day 2 | Don’t Fear

Paul is writing this to Timothy to encourage him and build him up. We should be encouraging ourselves and encouraging each other. There is so much going on in our world right now.

Day 1 | Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the day that ushers in a new season on the church calendar called Lent. Our theme for Lent is “A Time to Say No.”