Memorial Presbyterian Church

Day 20 | Let Go

During Lent as we say “No”, it is imperative that we “Let Go.”
The one and only way to let go is for us to consider what lies ahead. It’s a double-minded person that looks forward and backward at the same time.

Day 19 | Peace In The Valley

Over the past two years, all around the world, we have experienced troubling and tumultuous times. With COVID-19 raging and uprooting our way of life, racial disharmony, and political divisions that threaten our democracy, many of us have felt lost, stressed out, angry, anxious, and more.

Day 18 | No Obstacles

As I did my exercise walks in the neighborhood, I was struck to see how different my surroundings looked.
I saw some obstacles on the sidewalks and streets and uneven and inaccessible sidewalks which pose difficulty or impossibility for someone in a wheelchair or baby carriage to navigate.

Day 17 | The Promise of God

Resolutions…we all make them. We make them at the first of the year. We often resolve to lose weight…to stop smoking or to leave alcohol behind or in some way to give up something that we know is not good for us in the long run.

Day 16 | Weighing Busyness

He was a man who had no permanent residence, no money, or no social standing. He had no title nor pedigree that would make others admire or even envy Him.

Day 15 | Our Hope In You

Every day we are faced with challenges, particularly now with the Covid – 19 Pandemic. We are also faced with financial issues, and emotional concerns.

Day 14 : TIME OF NO

C-ONTROL: Let your voice be in control in a positive way when you say “NO.”
U-NDERSTANDING: Understand the reason you are saying “NO” and be understanding of others when they say “NO.”

Day 13 | Act of Kindness

Do you remember that feeling you got when someone showed you an act of kindness? It may have lifted your spirits, brighten up your day, or gave you a little extra pep in your step.

Day 12 | Saying No

As we enter into the season of Lent, as servants of Christ let us be mindful of our theme for this year “A Time to Say No”.

Day 11 | Soul Searching

Merciful and gracious Father, please forgive our contrary and willful ways. Give us the courage to honestly, humbly and realistically examine our behavior, habits and actions. Lord, help us to turn back to You and repent of those things that are sinful and do not glorify Your name. Order our steps and empower us through Your Holy Spirit to change and live transformed lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.