Memorial Presbyterian Church

Day 34 | Fear Not

Our theme for Lent is “A Time to Say No.” During the Lenten season, Christians practice discipline in fasting – either saying no to certain foods or activities.

Day 31 | Transformation

If we are to know and do the will of God, we must first submit to Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives. We must not conform to this world with all its materialistic philosophy, nor to the thinking and behavior of those who do not know God.

Day 29 | Understanding

The early church father St. Augustine wrote, “Understanding is the reward of Faith. Therefore, seek not to understand so that you may believe, but believe, so that you may understand.”

Day 28 | Pray Continually

When I first believed, I prayed. I wasn’t sure God heard me because I was unsure of how to pray. I knew how to talk to people, but I didn’t think I could have those same conversations with God.

Day 27 | Pray, Wait and Listen

GOD has always been with us in our trials, temptations, defeats and victories. We must seek HIM every day which will give us a further and a deeper understanding of his faithfulness and power.

Day 26 | Anxiety

“You may see me struggle, but you won’t see me quit.” … author unknown. Sometimes Lord I feel that I am at the end of my strength.

Day 24 | God Accepts Me

I love this verse of scripture, for it reminds me of the times in my life, where I have felt that with all my shortcomings and imperfections, God still sees me, knows who I am and loves me just the same.

Day 23 | Preparation

Christians around the world spend 40 days of the Lenten Season in fasting and prayer. By doing so, we honor the sacrifice that Jesus made by abstaining from certain activities and habits of our own, things that draw us away from Him.

Day 21 | Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is time we set aside to look back at the things that occur in our personal life whether it is a day or a snapshot of an incident that has happened during a specific year.