Day 1 - Lent 2025
“However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Matthew 17:21 NKJV
When I look around, I see trouble in our world – political games, relationships in flux, wars around the globe, natural and man-made disasters, gun violence, food deserts, overt and covert racism, inequity in the world of work and housing and social injustice. We feel overwhelmed and concerned for the coming generations and the world they’ll grow up in. We pray but wonder if our prayers are reaching God’s throne room. Well I challenge each of you to begin to live the fast life. Intentionally say “no” to food and other distractions that get in the way of you connecting with the Lord strong and mighty. We have some big mountains in our path. Remember that Jesus informed His followers (and us) that sometimes prayer needs to be coupled with fasting in order to be victorious in the spiritual realm.
Today we begin our Lenten journey – a time of penitence, petition and prayer. We have so many needs that we’re bringing before the Lord for the next 40 days – personal, relational, vocational, educational, communal, national and ecclesiastical. We are a needy people but I want to challenge you to take this time to cast your cares on Him, to take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there, to boldly approach His throne and fold self-denial into your Lenten journey. Sometimes you need to employ the two-fisted of prayer and fasting while fighting spiritually. And when you do, don’t be surprised at how the Lord responds to your petition.
Let us pray:
God of all power, we thank you for the powerful tools of prayer and fasting. You’ve placed these weapons in our arsenal. We ask that You would hear our prayers and see our self-denial and then answer our petitions. Remove those things that are standing in the way of us living the abundant life You promised. Evict the spirits that are causing us to live beneath our privilege. And allow us to walk in faith and victory today and throughout this Lenten season. This we pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Submitted by Pastor Scott Williams