Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12) and he is the Word that is a lamp to our feet (Psalms 119:105) guiding us in the path and purpose for our lives. He is the Son of God who makes a way where there seems there is none (Matthew 7:7-8). When we think Jesus is not near to us the Word of God tells us Jesus has always been there from the beginning and he is the remedy for our lives.
Our Lord Jesus is our answer for everything. Jesus was the remedy for the woman at the well, he was the remedy for those that were blind, he was the remedy for the woman with the issue of blood, he was the remedy to feed the five thousand who were hungry, and he was the remedy for those who were lost and needed to be found. Whether we are looking for a remedy for our marriage, our finances, or an illness we are dealing with – Jesus is the remedy. Whatever we are facing Jesus is the one that is near to listen and will never leave us to ourselves (Hebrews 13:5).
We can call on Jesus and there is no 24-hour hotline, voicemails to leave, call-back numbers to give, and referrals to use. All we need to give is our heart, sharing it all with Jesus.
Dear Lord,
You are everything and when someone is looking for someone to help – before we reach for anything or call someone on the phone – we can say a prayer, read your precious Word, and get ready knowing in our hearts you have heard, and are answering the call because you are Jesus, Lord of our life and our remedy. Thank you for being there for us always, in Jesus’s name we do pray, AMEN!
189 Babylon Turnpike
Roosevelt, NY 11575
(516) 623-9561