Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

God Speaks (Palm Sunday)

Rev. Sabrina Russell

Have you ever been out to a baseball game?  The crowd is roaring the game is exciting, and your team is winning!  People are sitting all around you and various activities are going on. A family with three, energetic kids is sitting near you.  The parents are watching the game, aware of every move of each kid and working to keep their entire family engaged in the game.  Behind you, a group of guys sitting together and yelling across the bleachers at another party of guys for fun and laughs.  Does life sometimes seem just as loud and chaotic as the events surrounding a baseball game?  Like the parents, we try to manage and control people, and things around us. Like the guys, we find time to relax, laugh and let our guards down.  As Christians, we are constantly looking to see where God is in all of this.  It is when we spend time with God that we get to know Him more.  It is when we read God’s word, we get to hear Him more.  God wants us to spend time with Him in prayer and the reading of His word. This will help strengthen you as you go through life.  No matter how loud life gets, God will speak to you.



Lord, thank you for Your word today, a word of life and of hope.  We ask that You continue to guide us in all that we do.  We ask that You reign over every area of our lives.  We thank You for being mindful of us and for Your word that speaks to us.  Thank you that in chaos You continue to speak to us and in peace, we are able to hear you.  Thank You for loving us and for keeping Your word alive in us. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen

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