Memorial Presbyterian Church


Monday, April 4, 2022

Day 34 | Fear Not

Submitted By, Deacon Karlene Ming

Our theme for Lent is  “A Time to Say No.”  During the Lenten season,  Christians practice discipline in fasting – either saying no to certain foods or activities. The more firmly and consistently we resist temptation, the stronger our resolve becomes.  When tempted to give up, acknowledge God and his mighty work in your life and in the world. Saying “No” shows confidence and helps us to focus on what is important, namely Jesus Christ, his suffering and sacrifice for us. Spend this time reading the Scripture to encourage you and pray asking God to keep you strong and able to resist anything that’s a stumbling block.

Lenten Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son Jesus to save us sinners; grant us wisdom, courage, and good judgment to say no to the things that distract us from you. Help us to use this Lenten season as a time of reflection and renewal. Thank you for all you do for us Amen.

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