Memorial Presbyterian Church


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day 25 | Stop it! You Got This, and God’s Got You!

Submitted By, Elder Ellashia Spaulding

As we continue in this Lenten season and give up something for this season, some may want to give up guilty pleasures such as certain foods, television, negative words, and the list goes on. But let’s tell the truth, a few of us begin to have doubts merely at the thought of giving up something, without any action. We have little to no faith that we can maintain self-control during this season, forgetting the purpose, only focusing on the sacrifice. This is where we begin our What if’s? What if I can’t make it?  What if I can’t do it? What if it’s not enough? While these may just seem like  simple questions for a person to ask themselves, if you think about it, these what if’s can be a sign of a possibly larger problem called self-doubt. Self-doubt is considered part of being a human, but we know through God’s Word we can be overcomers of our doubts whenever they may arise.  It does get better!

There are many ways to fight through the struggles of doubt, but the most important way is having a solid relationship with God! I challenge you during this Lenten season to leave that self-doubt behind, get closer to God through prayer, fasting, and reading the Word! Don’t worry about what you’re giving up but focus on the why and the reward of it all. So, Stop It! You Got This and God’s Got You!!

Lenten Prayer

Father, sometimes we aren’t sure if the decisions we make are right. We doubt and worry. Show us, O Lord, the way. Let us understand that it’s okay to be unsure, that it’s normal and human. Reveal to us again where we can be certain. Show us the place where my doubts disappear. Make our trust in you unshakable. Even though it may be hard, and our decisions might be wrong, let our hearts and souls know you will never leave us. May we seek you in prayer to receive the answers you want us to hear. May we find peace in the answers Christ gives us in his wounds. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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