Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Submitted By, Elder Andrea Morgan-Eason
C-ONTROL: Let your voice be in control in a positive way when you say “NO.”
U-NDERSTANDING: Understand the reason you are saying “NO” and be understanding of others when they say “NO.”
L-EADERSHIP: Let saying “NO” lead you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and each other.
T-RUST: Trust in God and pray that you can be strong in saying “NO” in a light that reflects positivity.
U-NAFRAID: Do not be afraid to say “NO.”
R-ESPONSIVE: Be responsive and sensitive to others when you say “NO” and they say “NO.”
E-XECUTION: In executing your “NO” be strong and of good courage.
Gracious God, grant me the courage to remain strong in my conviction in saying “NO” to things that prevent me from forming a strong relationship with you and others. Guide me in the right path in making “NO” a positive light in my life. Amen.
189 Babylon Turnpike
Roosevelt, NY 11575
(516) 623-9561