Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

The Gift of God's Blessing

Elder LeNard Christian

Have you ever had a thought of why God chose to bless you? At some point in our lives, God has shown us favor at major milestones in our lives. Those blessings cannot be mistaken as acts of man. Sometimes, the origin of the blessing cannot be explained by conventional thought. You may even realize that you haven’t even asked for it but God chose to give you His provisions.

Theologians in some circles identify the believer as being in the enviable position for receiving God’s provisions (favor) – as being an extension of His grace. The Four Blessings of God according to the scholars are: Divine Prosperity, Divine Health, Fruitfulness and Long Life. Blessings within the Bible have been documented from the beginning.  The book of Genesis (1:28) “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it.” This was one of the first blessings of God on behalf of man and so it was.  We must remember that, as part of God’s creation, we are positioned to receive the gift of God’s blessing.  So get ready, God’s best is on its way to YOU!


Gracious and merciful Father,

Thank you for the extension of your grace over our life. Your divine kindness mercy and goodness IS our Blessing. You have given us deliverance from the grasp of sin through the ministry of Jesus Christ. All praises, honor and glory go to you. May our deeds thoughts and actions be acceptable in your sight.

In your precious name we pray, AMEN.

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