Sunday, April 3, 2022
Submitted By, Deacon Marjorie Whigham-Desir
There is nothing more beautiful than to gaze into nature and see the wonder and majesty of the world our Lord has created. Whether peeking at the sun as it peers through the curtains with a light that pierces the darkness of a room, or watching it slowly disappear from the sky, replaced by the twinkling light of the stars that on a clear night span forever, I can’t help but think how incredible God is.
I think that must have been how David and the other Psalmists felt when they crafted songs proclaiming the glory and power of God. They wrote of his power, his majesty and might; they wrote of his forgiveness, mercy and love. Each “psalm” is an ode–a song or poem– attesting to the magnificence of God. In Psalm 18:1-2 David sings: “I love you Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
We have songs that do similarly today. One of my favorites is “How Great Thou Art” – “Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the world thy hands hath made… then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee; how great thou art.” And then there’s, “Great is Thy Faithfulness;” which I particularly like the mashed-up version “Great Is Your Mercy Towards Me.” Both songs fill me with gratitude and hope, especially in the midst of daily challenges. When I’m feeling this way, I do what another more contemporary song, “Encourage Yourself,” suggests: “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself, Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test, And no matter how you feel, speak the word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself, encourage yourself, in the Lord.”
So, when you’re going through tough times AND when you’re feeling great, do like the psalmists of the Bible, and songwriters of yesterday and today. Just sing a psalm.
My God, how awesome you are and the world you’ve made. Help me to remember that in all I may go through I can view the beauty that surrounds me as evidence of your love and concern for me. When life seems overwhelming Lord, enlighten my faith through psalms that lift my spirit, faith, and resolve to see you more clearly and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen.
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