Memorial Presbyterian Church


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Day 28 | Pray Continually

Submitted By, Deacon Joanne Harrison-Smith

When I first believed, I prayed. I wasn’t sure God heard me because I was unsure of how to pray. I knew how to talk to people, but I didn’t think I could have those same conversations with God. Thankfully, I decided to be my authentic self and have a real talk with God; that’s when my true relationship with Him began. Now I talk to God everyday, my prayers are a consistent and comfortable conversation with my Heavenly Father. These conversations encourage, transform and grow my faith.


I believe in the power of prayer, so I pray continually. In times such as these, my hope is in the Lord, so I pray. In worry, I pray. In sadness, I pray. In pain, I pray. But, because my trust is in the Lord, I pray when I’m happy. I pray when all is well. I pray when I’m at peace. I pray with complete confidence that God hears my heart and that everything I bring to God in prayer will be sorted out in due time. Thank you Lord, for being such a prayer answering God. I believe that everything we ask through His son, Jesus who is the Christ, will be answered in the perfect way at the perfect time. So I wait on the Lord, praying ceaselessly.


When I first believed, I wrote this prayer:

Lenten Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for redeeming me and giving me new life. I am thankful for the ways You are changing me. Lord, please help me to be open to You and to cooperate with Your work in me. Transform me and please deepen my understanding of Your Word. May Your Holy Spirit guide me and enlighten my heart as I pursue Your truth so that I might walk in Your ways. May I serve where You want me to serve and do it in Your strength, Lord. Please give me compassion for those who are still lost in spiritual darkness and help me Dear Lord, not to compare myself and what I do, with others. Oh, Heavenly Father, please help me to be wise in how and when my words or my silence may be helpful to someone else. Examine my heart, Lord; reveal to me where I have erected walls in relationships. Show me the way to start tearing them down so that there might be reconciliation. I’m thankful for Your faithfulness, Father, even in times when I’m unfaithful. Thank you for rescuing me from my own sinful tendencies. Heavenly Father, help me to keep in mind that You are as wise in what You don’t give me as what You do give me. Help me to remember my hope comes from You, not my circumstances.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

 In Jesus name, Amen.

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