Memorial Presbyterian Church


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Day 2 | Don't Fear

Submitted By, Elder Valerie O’Connor

Paul is writing this to Timothy to encourage him and build him up.  We should be encouraging ourselves and encouraging each other.  There is so much going on in our world right now.  It may seem difficult to not be fearful when there are so many frightening things happening. Fear will come for us but God has given us all we need to push it away.  God wants us to pick up his tools of power, love and self-control.  As God’s children he wants to give us more than we can ask or imagine. We need to remind ourselves and remind each other. Sometimes we are afraid but that is not of God.  God has a plan for all of us.  If we are fearful or timid and don’t step out on faith, we will not fulfill God’s plan.  God is calling us to do things that may take us out of that comfort zone.  We need to put the fear aside and use the tools that God has given us to accomplish the plans he has for us. 

He has given us His Power – this strengthens us when we encounter obstacles. The Holy Spirit will give us the boldness to stand up and stand apart.

He has given us His love- Love for Him, love for our brothers and sisters and even love for our enemies. 

He has given us a sound mind or self-control so we can remain focused and not get distracted. With the Holy Spirit we have self-control to do all that God has set us apart to accomplish for Him.

When we feel fear creeping into our spirit, we must discipline ourselves to focus on our God and his promises for us. 

Lenten Prayer

Lord, I thank you that you are always with me. When I am afraid, you build me up with your power to know that I can overcome the things that I am fearful of. Lord, help me to have a sound mind and use self-control so that I can focus on you and the plans you have for me.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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